This is a list of many of the resources that I share on a regular basis with clients and that I consult on a regular basis to help answer babywearing and kangaroo care questions. Here, I share it with you. Mixed in are some favorite babywearing pics.
How to reach me:
Follow me on Facebook:
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Call/text me:
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6/5/12: Look at that yummy 3 month old in a high back carry! He used to play with my hair and developed incredible fine motor schools early on; he could pincer anything. |
Links that I frequently share:
Using the Vija cami set:
Using babywearing to feel better:
Babywearing Charitable Organizations:
Babywearing Schools' Consultant Pages:
The consultations that I offer:
Buckle Carrier first back carry:
Babywear vigilantly:
Carriers that I sell:
All about tandem babywearing:
Vija twin set:
Medical reasons for KC and Babywearing:
My beautiful journey!:
Weekly free babywearing and kangaroo care help:
Babywearing Resume
Favorite Video Links:
-Babywearing Bosom Scoop (positioning one to two babies on front of torso)
-DH all passes spread (IMO the most comfortable carry for a heavy child)
-4 ring Jasmine's
-Newborn in RS
-Ring Sling hack
-RTAS w preschooler
-RTAS w toddler
-RTAS w supported sitter
-Pirate carry
-Tandem RRR/Pocket
-Tandem RRR/FCC
-Tandem Mei tai high back carry via hip scoot + Strap FWCC with a double twist + putting on a tandem DIY babywearing coat
-Tandem Mei tai high back carry via hip scoot + Strap FWCC with a double twist + putting on a tandem DIY babywearing coat
-Tandem DHTAS/pocket
-Tandem two wraps
-Tandem reinforced mei tai + supported prewrap hybrid stretch wrap
-Tandem mei tai + FWCC with twist strap carry + Putting on coat
-Tandem two Asian inspired carriers front/back
-Tandem two mei tais front off center
-Lexi Twist in woven wrap
Longer strap BBTai (2015)
-Bump wrapping
-Sick Babies
One baby in Pocket Wrap Cross Carry (PWCC)
-Twins in PWCC
-And then
You may need to do a bosom scoop to lock baby into place; Have baby straddle his own cross pass. Once baby is straddling pass, lift your breast up and trap baby's knees beneath it, then aim your nipple at baby's belly button, then release the weight of your breast, then have baby's torso lie on the top, outer section of your breast. Trap baby in place with top half of cross pass. Repeat.
-Babywearing Bosom Scoop
PWCC in a stretchy wrap begins to become saggy when total baby weight reaches 15-20 lbs. At which point you can move on to a woven, which will provide you with several double hip options, like
-Tandem hip FWCC
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October 2016: This is my first back carry with our beloved dog, Bryce, on one of his last days. He just wanted to be held and I'm thankful that I could do that for him. Those fluffy ears! |
Singleton Woven Wrap carries to start with (carries in parenthesis are the tandem sister carries and can be found in the files section)
-FWCC/PWCC (this can be turned into 3 different tandem FWCC carries)
-FCC (great for combining with a back carry, precursor to Ruck Strap FCC)
-Poppins hip carry (precursor to Amandas hip carry)
-Robbins hip carry with a sling ring (precursor to Jasmines hip carry)
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3/29/12: 25 mo + 1 mo ~ front / back slings is how I often got us from point A to B. Slip knots were more comfortable and easier to adjust than rings or full knots |
-Supporting baby's head on front
-Supporting baby's head on back, around minute 4
-Using a prop to load back kid
-Legs in/out
-Improving carry to Knee to Knee with a scarf
-MT hip carry
-Back carry in a stretchy
-Traditional Shawl Carries
-Traditional Back Cradle Carry
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Christmas tree shopping 2014: 15 mo in back in fleece lined Connecta buckle carrier + 21 mo in front in pretied Wrapsody hybrid stretch, all of us covered in a DIY Tandem Babywearing Coat |
Tandem presentation thread
For more info on how to tandem babywear, see the pinned post and its comments: :)
Tandem newborn twins: favorite two in front, off center options
1. Vija Design twin cami set
I prefer Wrapsody for the following two:
2. PWCC with hybrid wrap (stretchy or woven can work too)
3. Jasmines tandem hip carry with hybrid wrap and large sling rings (thin woven can work too)
4. 2 small MTs front off center (Babyhawk, catbird baby, and 2016 BBTai are my favorites)
For more info on how to tandem babywear, see the pinned post and its comments: :)
Creating blog post of this
There's basically 4 stages to the first year of twin babywearing.
1. Babies are in your belly and you need something to support your belly: woven wrap is the best answer to this, tho a few other carriers will work too.
2. Babies are tiny and both fit on your front: see post above for this
3. Babies are small, but not small enough to both fit on your front, but not big enough yet to fit into a structured carrier: my favorite for this stage is two smallish mei tais because if you can do two mei tais on front or on hips, you have the skills to do two mei tais front/back; a woven or hybrid wrap are also good answers.
4. One Baby fits well in your structured carrier without modification: the world is your oyster!
Tandem non-newborn, non-sitting twins: favorites
1. 2 mei tais front off center or on hip (this is my fav because you can work your way up to a front/back carry pretty quickly with it) or
2. A thin wrap + sling rings for jasmines tandem hip carry (this gives you the most options long term, but has a trickier learning curve) or
3. Vija twin cami set (this will only last you until babies reach 15 lbs each, and is a shorter term solution like the weego)
2014ish: DHTAS + FCC (used as a double sling for a cradle carry) Werewolf family... |
-DIY ring slings
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Fall 2016: RTAS + FCC in BBSlen Pineapple, size 8; 4 yo on back & 3 yo on front; still tandeming strong! |
Deep seat in MT or SSC
SSC Comparison charts
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3/26/12: Toddler and Puppy wearing stuffies!! |
Toddler carrier pics comparison
Wrap wearing wiki
Kinderpack Dimensions
Anatomy of carriers
Winter carrying
Some DIY options
DiY Coat
DIY Poncho
Vija Design size chart
Bra size chart
32A-32B-32C-32D-32DD-34A-34B = X-Small
32DD-32F-34C-34D-34DD-36A-36B = Small
34DD-34F-36C-36D-36DD-38A = Medium
36DD-36F-38B-38C-38D-38DD-40A-40B = Large
38DD-38F-38G-40C-40D-40DD-40F-42B-42C = X-Large
38F-38G-38H-40DD-40F-40G-42D-42DD-42F-44C-44D = 2XL
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