Tuesday, October 4th, 4-5 pm
To Prepare for International Babywearing Week, I’ll be on WTAJTV’s Central PA Live talking about babywearing!
Wednesday, October 5th, throughout the day
The Babywearing Games
Come join me on my website, on my FB page, and in my FB client group for games and prizes. Games will run throughout International Babywearing Week: October 5th - 10th. Each day will feature a new babywearing related prize.

Find Rafflecopter entry here: https://wrapsodybaby.com/international-babywearing-week/

Find Rafflecopter entry here: https://wrapsodybaby.com/international-babywearing-week/
Thursday, October 6th, 5:30-7 pm
Make One; Give One DIY Babywearing Poncho at the Mommy Shoppe
It’s the 1 year anniversary of Rachel Gaston-Pifer, Certified Babywearing Consultant, CBWS!!! Help me celebrate!
I will help you to make a babywearing poncho that you can use on front, side, back, and tandem. Then, with your new poncho making skills and with the rest of your fabric, you can make a babywearing poncho to donate to the Mommy Shoppe.
The following numbers are based on fleece fabric that is 58-60 inches wide. Bring along 1 2/3 yards of fleece to create a babywearing poncho for yourself OR bring along 3 1/3 yards to make a second poncho to donate to the Mommy Shoppe. Every 5 yards you bring will create 3 ponchos!
Joann Fabric’s fleece-tastic deal: all fleece is 50% goes through October 5th. Sign up for text messages from Joann's to receive an extra 20% off your entire purchase.
Here's a video of how to make a DIY Babywearing Poncho:
And how to use it:
Friday, October 7th, 4:30-6:30 pm
Baby Carrier Happy Hour Hosts: The Carry On Project baby carrier drive launch party, Wrapsody Fit Clinic, and 15% off your purchase from both Jezebel’s Boutique and Rachel Gaston-Pifer, Certified Babywearing Consultant, CBWS
Now through Cyber Monday deliver your carrier to Jezebel’s Boutique or an event that Rachel Gaston-Pifer, Certified Babywearing Consultant, CBWS is hosting. Email me, rachelgaston@hotmail.com, your name, email address, and the carrier that you donated and you will be entered to win a prize. We’ll then send a care package to TCOP after Cyber Monday in November.
From The Carrying On Project: "For TCOP we prefer new or gently used carriers so we can pass them on to families, but any carrier will be accepted with the understanding that it may be sold for funds if needed. We serve active duty, veteran, and wounded warrior families of the U.S. Armed Services, and SSCs [especially buckle carriers rated to higher than 25 lbs] are our most popular carrier request, but we do get plenty of the other carrier types requested so anything that can be passed forward we would love to have and would be happy to help it find a home." Paypal donations can be sent to: Carryingonproject@gmail.com
Did you miss the Baby Carrier Fit Clinic at Just Kids Resale? Here’s a new opportunity to get the most comfortable fit in your carrier for you and your baby. You too can say, “Wow! That feels so much better!!!”
Saturday and Sunday, October 8th & 9th, throughout the day
Live and Virtual Online Teaching in AHA! Babywearing and New Videos on YouTube.
I will be live answering questions and I will have threads where you can post your pic to get a virtual fit check. Let me help you say, “Wow! That feels so much better!!!”
Monday, October 10th, 3-4:30 pm
Carry the Future #ctfme2you Handmade Baby Gifts Drive
Join me for pizza and gift making. Let’s create some happy baby gifts to send to refugee camps in Greece.
Calling all sewists, knitters, crocheters and makers!
An important part of #CarrytheFuture’s mission is empowering our supporters to make a personal difference in the lives of refugees. This winter we are encouraging you to make handmade baby hats, blankets, jackets, sweater and toys.
Details: Handmade items only. Blankets must be at least 32x32” and no bigger than 48x48” Get ideas on the Carry the Future Pinterest board! https://www.pinterest.com/carrythefuture/me2you-baby-driv…
I’ll be collecting items at events through 12/31/16
Joann Fabric’s fleece-tastic deal: all fleece is 50% goes through October 5th. Sign up for text messages from Joann's to receive an extra 20% off your entire purchase. A super easy blanket; all you need are scissors and fleece: https://snapguide.com/guides/make-a-no-sew-fleece-blanket-wout-bulky-knots/
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